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Want to chat with your friends or find out when they are on-line?  Click on the free icon above, then download and install the chat software.  AOL help function will help you through the username and password portions.  Once you have your username, e-mail me with it and I will post-it under your e-mail address in the members section.

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This page has been created to allow former and current Hybritech friends to stay in touch, network and help each other. Hybritech was once the darling of San Diego Biotech. Although the end days are near for this ICON of biotech, you don't have to end your associations with your friends and co-workers.  Please use this site to benefit each other. If you have comments or want to suggest improvements, events, etc... Please leave me an e-mail

Click on the SANBIO banner  for FREE resources from Biotech Companies to Money for education,  etc.

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Visit PCMike...  He is a very good friend of mine and has the best deals on computers in Southern California.  Give his site a visit...

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